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Showing posts from April, 2020

Velofel za

Velofel za  month I'm at in this video Thursday thank you so much for your love and support everyone who's all this stuff because I have recently changed my lifestyle in approximately like three days I'm going to be posting a video like a sit-down video where I talk about my experience doing vegan keto for my first week I am of course gonna be continuing it but basically to give you guys like the Cliff's Notes version of why w is great I use it of baking I put it in tea sometimes I put it in like unsweetened high-fat vegan yogurt and other things like that I have used this on a lot of baking that I've made for Chris who is not keto currently because we have a lot of carbs in the house to get through but he's actually gonna be trying the keto diet with me as well again vegan and gluten-free because I have celiac disease so I'm not gonna like cook something we can't both eat so yeah it sounds very restrictive but just like give it a minute and I'll sho